v4.0.8: 21-February-2007
Minor Changes
- Add option to automatically adjust timezones to new US rules as of March 2007.
- Update built-in timezones to new rules for March 2007.
v4.0.7: 11-December-2006
Minor Changes
- bcc header will now appear in message pane summary headers if present (ticket #157).
- Fixed bug with corrupt IMSP address entries preventing replies/forwards (ticket #155).
- Fixed bug where copying to a mailbox with only 'a' rights would result in an error after a successful copy (ticket #134).
- Fixed bug with parsing calendar lists from some CalDAV servers (ticket #133).
- Fixed bug with drag and drop in server pane (ticket #87).
v4.0.6: 20-September-2006
- Number of messages to be expunged now reported in alert (ticket #74).
- Fixed bug with incorrect panels being shown when clicking prefs buttons (ticket #15).
- Fixed bug with incorrect online FAQ url (ticket #18).
- Fixed bug with format=flowed delsp option (ticket #5).
- Fixed bug with incorrect wrapping of References header (ticket #37).
- Fixed bug with Resources not being looked up in alternate locations (ticket #63).
- Fixed bug with deleting attendees from new event/todo dialog (ticket #4).
- Fixed bug with monthly recurring events not appearing in January (ticket #10).
- Fixed bug with postscript printing with fonts with spaced in their name (ticket #76).
- Fixed bug with utf8 locale and display of dates (ticket #32).
- Fixed bug with crash on quit (ticket #46).
- Fixed bug with non-ascii character input (ticket #31 & #75).
v4.0.5: 27-July-2006
- Now under new ownership.
- Registration requirement removed - Mulberry is now free.
- Added support for local, http/webcal, WebDAV & CalDAV based calendaring.
- Improved unicode support, including two-byte script support with appropriate fonts installed.
- Anti-aliased text on systems supporting the Xft library.
- Completely new set of 'modern' icons.
- Configurable toolbars.
- Mailbox pane quick search option.
- Basic calendar scheduling via email (iMIP) support added.
- New Draft window layout with simple Attachments list option instead of full parts.
- Draft window now supports per-draft custom identity.
- Various HCI changes to clean-up UI.
- Added new button in mailbox Details dialog to force rebuild of local mailbox data.
- Added 'All' rules toolbar button.
- Added new 'Selection Only' search criteria for rules to ensure manually applied rule will only operate on selected messages.
- Added support RFC2231 encoding of MIME parameters.
- Bounce command renamed to Redirect.
- Spelling Options moved into preferences dialog.
- New buttons added to address book pane for clearer operation.
- Added option to switch back to iso-8859-x encoding of outbound messages.
- Can now edit the to-do/task completed date.
- Calendar name now used as attachment name when attaching a whole calendar to a message.
- Added option to turn off LDAP lookups if a match in a local address book has been found.
- Improved 8-bit header display fallback.
- Added option to only display identity name in identity popup in draft window.
- Added new option to do automatic connect when waking from sleep if active network adapter is found.
- IMAP label names can now be customised.
- New quick search active icon indicator added.
- Calendar accounts can be dragged in calendar store view to re-order them.
- New admin tool for v4.
- Added new option to scroll mailbox pane to show new unseen messages.
- Message size warning alert now /includes the numeric size of the message.
- Added draft auto-save/recovery feature.
- Attachments and files can be dragged into draft text to attach to draft.
- Fixed bug with =5F in q-p encoded MIME headers.
- Fixed bug with illegal sieve syntax when using grouped search criteria.
- Fixed bug with failure to display unicode names in menus.
- Fixed bug with missing HTML4 entity mappings.
- Fixed bug with URL copy to clipboard.
- Fixed bug with improper transfer of real name when using admin configured version.
- Fixed bug with inability to send when SMTP account is not properly set in identity.
- Fixed bug with copy/paste on little endian systems.
- Fixed bug with Resources directory locations.
- Fixed bug with empty tooltips in mailbox pane.
- Fixed bug with generated HTML AHREFs.
- Fixed bug with gpg v1.4 and key names.
- Fixed bug with parsing URLs in HTML.
- Fixed bug with keyboard shortcuts for 3-pane modes.
- Fixed bug with useless preferences upgrade alert.
- Fixed bug with failure to parse broken MIME parameter lists.
- Fixed bug with address expansion of non-email addressees.
- Fixed bug with crash when sending empty message.
- Fixed bug with duplicate capture addresses.
- Fixed bug with inline decrypt/verify not changing message text.
- Fixed bug with crashes when replying/forwarding messages when the original message mailbox is reset.
- Fixed bug with missing spelling plugin causing a crash in preferences dialog.
- Fixed bug when dealing with x509 certs with multiple email addresses.
- Fixed Bug with return key in dialogs.
- Fixed bug with crash when creating multiple text macros.
- Fixed bug with loss of mailbox display when switch between mailboxes with different columns.
- Fixed bug with Match From me causing a crash.
- Fixed bug with missing xml tag at start of xml document.
- Fixed bug with auto-adjust of dialog widths and heights.
- Fixed bug with crash when opening Match dialog.
- Fixed bug with 'm' shortcut in mailbox panes.
- Fixed bug causing a crash after closing at least one mailbox window.
- Fixed bug with failure to print message bodies.
- Fixed bug with a crash when sending a message.
- Fixed bug with address book pane state not being saved.
- Fixed bug with grey background on prints.
- Fixed bug with 3-pane focus after switching email/contact/calendar modes.
- Fixed bug with middle button paste.
v3.1.6: 25-June-2004
Minor Changes
- Added admin option to allow display of SSL connection state in startup dialog (on by default).
- Fixed bug with activation of Update Match command.
- Fixed bug with with inability to manipluate logging options when logging disabled on startup.
- Fixed bug with incorrect recent count after connection recovery.
v3.1.5: 26-May-2004
Minor Changes
- Added -extras command line option to specify alternate directory for mailcap, mime.type and url.helpers files.
- Fixed bug with forward options/vacation options dialogs not responding to return/escape keyboard shortcuts.
- Fixed bug with forward action using reply quoting preferences.
- Fixed bug with failure to mark messages as seen when closing a mailbox with expunge on close.
v3.1.4: 21-May-2004
- Fixed bug with crash when manually decrypting in preview pane.
- Fixed bug with double-escaping of characters in HTML quoted text.
- Fixed bug with colouring of <!-- ... --> HTML comment tags.
- Fixed bug causing an error when saving a sent copy of a forwarded message back to the original mailbox in disconnected mode.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when doing some header manipulation.
- Fixed bug with failure to display renamed mailbox names in dynamic tabs.
- Fixed bug with single quotes in mailcap files.
- Fixed bug with SIEVE require statements.
- Fixed bug with some SIEVE actions reverting to keep when edited.
- Fixed bug with failure to use server threading if only THREAD=REFERENCES is advertised.
- Fixed bug with failure to update Window menu titles when message window changes.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when replying and immediately clicking the mouse in the reply text.
- Fixed bug with non-ascii characters in PGP passphrase.
- Fixed bug with improper determination of normalised subject for matching.
- Fixed bug with failure to reset message background colour in some cases.
- Fixed bug with enriched->html conversion.
- Fixed bug with search dialog criteria change not hidden appropriate items.
- Fixed bug with doubling of blank lines when converting plain->enriched.
- Fixed bug with files being left open when local mailbox error occurs.
- Fixed bug with seen flag changing when restoring a message preview via tab switch.
- Fixed bug with improper background colours in HTML.
- Fixed bug with multiple addresses in mailto URLs.
v3.1.3: 22-April-2004
- Draft parts expands when forwarding a message that results in more than one part.
- Added support for SIEVE vacation action.
- Added new context menu for clicks on URLs.
- Added new preference to set a minimum font size for use in displaying styled text.
- Added new preference to prevent styling of text for html or enriched messages displayed in the Formatted mode.
- No longer breaks long lines without spaces when wrapping message text.
- Added option to forward options dialog to allow choice of quoting selected text or entire text.
- Styled text is preserved when replying or forwarding as styled text.
- SMTP account in identities can now be inherited.
- Fixed bug with DIGEST-MD5 with IMSP.
- Fixed bug with failure to handle single quotes in mailcap files.
- Fixed bug with extra sort/thread operation when closing a mailbox.
- Fixed bug with IMAP errors when recovering from connection failure and mailbox has shrunk.
- Fixed bug with SIEVE matches comparator not being saved/restored properly.
- Fixed bug with failure to select PGP or GPG properly when decrypting/verifying.
- Fixed bug with extra decode of HTML URLs.
- Fixed bug with crash after displaying SIEVE rules as script elements.
- Fixed bug with failure to properly display [image] indicators in HTML.
- Fixed bug with double address resolution when tabbing out of address field.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when using Mulberry Support item in Help menu.
- Fixed bug with failure to do content-transfer decoding on PGP signature parts.
- Fixed bugs with text/enriched display and generation.
- Fixed bug with failure to quickyl stop new mail checking when quitting.
- Fixed bug with duplicate message-ids when messages are sent rapidly one after another.
- Fixed bug with alert dialogs clipping long text strings.
- Fixed bug with occasional loss of screen redraws.
- Fixed bug with crash when printing a draft.
v3.1.2: 13-February-2004
- Fixed bug with status window not being properly removed.
- Fixed bug with corrupt character in ManageSIEVE status info.
- Fixed bug causing an occasional crash when sending.
- Fixed bug with incorrect server name being tested against SSL certificate when Kerberos or GSSAPI is in use.
- Fixed bug with long SMTP send causing failures when entering disconnected mode.
v3.1.1: 16-January-2004
- Added admin option to configure support email address.
- Added admin option for Kerberos V4 -> GSSAPI upgrade.
- Added mailbox tab popup menu options for saving/restoring entire tab list.
- Added mailbox tab popup option to local all tabs.
- Added admin option to allow crypto plugin pre-registration.
- Added option to remove plugin when registration prompt appears.
- Changed text on 'Waiting for Network' dialog.
- Added warning when files are attached via an extended mailto URL.
- Added option to message pane context menu to view the current part externally.
- Fixed bug with local mailbox line end characters not being set via prefs.
- Fixed bug with fgailure to downgrade to LDAPv2 when LDAPv3 fails.
- Fixed bug with draft button not honoring tied identity when mailbox hierarchy selected in server pane.
- Fixed bug with hang when using STARTTLS with ACAP.
- Fixed bug with spurious crashes in server pane.
- Fixed bug with crash when replying to a message with no viewable parts.
- Fixed bug with failure to inherit tied identities for new drafts in server pane.
- Fixed bug with SIEVE 'starts with' comparator not being restored from prefs.
- Fixed bug with failure to update Window menu items when switching connected state.
- Fixed bug with spell-as-you-type offset errors when text block is inserted.
- Fixed bug with failure to open IMSP address books when address has ] character in it.
- Fixed bug with certificate address comparisons when server address has a port number in it in the prefs.
- Fixed bug with messed up mailbox hierarchy when switching between 3-pane and 1-pane modes.
- Fixed bug with disconnected use of IMSP prefs when IMSP account name is not the default.
- Fixed bug with search window focussing.
- Fixed bug with middle-button paste not doing smart URL <...>.
- Fixed bug with failure to open mailboxes on a locked volume (e.g. CD).
- Fixed bug with SIEVE reject action being lost when read back from prefs.
v3.1: 5-November-2003
- Added S/MIME plugin for S/MIME cryptography support.
- Added PGP8 plugin for PGP Corp.s PGP v8 release.
- Added support for SSL client-side certificate authentication.
- Updated to LDAPv3 with SSL support.
- Added support for up to 8 user-defined labels on messages.
- Added synchronisation state information to mailbox Details dialog.
- Added synchronisation state information to detailed message tooltips.
- Added Admin Toolkit option for disabling of Reject command.
- Added mailbox name to expunge confirmation alert.
- Changed date representation for timezone adjusted display to use %c specifier.
- Added quick select buttons to addressing dialog used in the address book.
- Added new option to close a message when deleted even when open deleted message option is on.
- Added new print captions option to automatically print a set of summary headers at the top of the first printed page.
- Added new 'first name' items to reply/forward attribution templates.
- Added option to automatically remove sig-dashed sigantures from reply quotations.
- Added option to automatically insert sig-dashes into all signatures when inserted into a draft.
- Added shift-space shortcut to scroll back in message preview pane.
- Added Close Others command to mailbox tabs menu.
- Draft parts pane now auto-expands and selects newly attached items.
- Added Admin Toolkit option to allow auto-creation of arbitrary mailboxes.
- Now automatically strips off trailing ':' if used in Header search criterion.
- Can now negate Header search criterion by prepending a '!' to the header name.
- Now scrolls when HTML relative/internal links are clicked.
- Added support for getting signatures from files.
- Mailbox tabs now display an icon when mailbox has new mail.
- Added new verify/decrypt result pane to message pane.
- Added preference to allow default sign crypto plugin to be chosen.
- Added certificate manager dialog for importing, viewing, deleting certificates.
- Now shows full email address in detailed tooltips.
- Local mailboxes with arbitrary line end formats can now be used without the need to set the format popup in the local account preferences.
- Styled text composition now enabled.
- Added new option to allow mailbox tied identity to be automatically inherited by child mailboxes.
- Added option to allow searches to negate search set criteria.
- Added new address book column/sort to allow for proper sorting of names in Last, First format.
- Percent progress indicator for large attachment downoads now displayed in status line.
- Improved behaviour of name sorting in address books.
- Meta key down during startup will result in connect/disconnect prompt.
- Now displays a warning when try to respond to an encrypted message without encrypting the response.
- Added missing attachment warning when certain words (set via preferences) are detected in a draft (text or subject) but no attachments are present.
- Added checkbox to some Ok/Cancel alerts to change the preference controlling whether that alert appears.
- Added single key shortcuts for commands.
- Added rules import/export capability.
- Added ability to create nested (parenthesized) search sub-expressions within a single search.
- Search window is now resizeable.
- Rules dialog window is now resizeable.
- Added optional alert to allow replies to be converted into non-replies (new thread), if the reply subject was changed.
- Added preference to control whether logs are overwritten on startup.
- Added new option to prevent new message preview when first opening a mailbox.
- New key shortcuts for entire thread operations and matching.
- Names of mailboxes are now displayed in mailbox delete alert.
- Added new preference for warning when marking all messages as seen.
- Added new keyboard shortcut for switching between Mail and Contacts in 3-pane window.
- Fixed bug with parts expanding and becoming visible in preview even though parts display is turned off.
- Fixed bug with failure to rename local mailbox directories.
- Fixed bug with reply address choice when using broken IMAP servers.
- Fixed bug with incorrect icon in ManageSIEVE password dialog.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when connection loss occurs whilst reply addressing dialog is displayed.
- Fixed bug with failure to activate Write button in rules manager toolbar.
- Fixed bug with failure to properly display open state of all instances of a mailbox in the server pane.
- Fixed bug with thread contention on Solaris.
- Fixed bug with DIGEST-MD5 authentication and ACAP.
- Fixed bug with parsing ACAP entries.
- Fixed bug with selection in both single and group lists in address book being used to address a new draft.
- Fixed bug with crash when quitting after displaying a mailbox sub-hierarchy.
- Fixed bug with failure to properly replace all when spelling.
- Fixed bug in which remote account creation was allowed even when remote prefs was disabled via Admin Toolkit.
- Fixed bug with modification of clipboard when doing smart URL paste.
- Fixed bug with colout of menu items on 16-bit colour displays.
- Fixed bug with failure to properly initialise search window when it is first displayed.
- Fixed bug with parsing certain font specs resulting in incorrect font sizes being available in the prefs.
- Fixed bug with 1-pane server window being left behind after switching into 3-pane mode.
- Fixed bug with focus being left on empty preview pane when a message is removed.
- Fixed bug with mailbox list processing.
- Fixed bug with ispell preventing exit.
- Fixed bug with failure to remember status window state.
- Fixed bug with table shift-select in mailbox pane.
- Fixed bug with message copies failing silently.
- Fixed bug with failure to display SMTP account name in SMTP network error alerts.
- Fixed bug with unwanted sort/thread when opening a mailbox with a Match applied.
- Fixed bug with support message generating garbled support info when styled text composition is the default.
- Fixed bug with failure to verify large signed messages.
- Fixed bug with failure verify/decrypt message/rfc822 parts.
- Fixed bug with failure to show raw message data on message/rfc822 parts.
- Fixed bug with server row background colour being turned off by the wrong preference.
- Fixed bug with forward/bounce breaking digital signatures.
- Fixed bug with failure to allow mailbox properties on directory objects.
- Fixed bug with crash when changing text alignment with no text in a draft.
- Fixed bug with insertion of unwanted blank lines when auto-signature insert is off.
- Fixed bug with failure to save/restore address book window state.
- Fixed bug with failure to display HTML content when </HEAD> tag was missing.
- Fixed bug with address/group list expand/collapse splitter repositioning.
- Fixed bug with failure to change tab name when mailbox is renamed.
- Fixed bug with occasional crash on exit on Solaris.
- Fixed bug with failure to account for port numbers in server addresses when admin locked domain option is used.
- Fixed bug with seen flag being set in a raw message preview, even though seen flag change is turned off.
- Fixed bug in which window title changes do not update Window menu items.
- Fixed bug with ACAP address expansions/search returning a child address book name.
- Fixed bug with Exchange server and Blackberry use.
- Fixed bug with fds leaking into exec'd processes.
- Fixed bug with crypto operations when forwarding using message/rfc822.
- Fixed bug with misleading terminology in address book column popup.
- Fixed bug with email address being used as display name in address headers.
- Fixed bug with illegal sequence numbers when expunge occurs in a rule.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when rules are edited whilst rules are being executed.
- Fixed bug with creation of local mailbox preventing certain operations on that mailbox.
- Fixed bug with failure to handle relative HTML anchors.
- Fixed bug with failure to display progress when downloading POP messages.
- Fixed bug with incorrect charset descriptor in draft parts properties dialog.
- Fixed bug with extra blank lines being added to the end of a Send Again draft.
- Fixed bug with Xlib async error when rule executes a copy/move operation.
- Fixed bug with local directory create failures.
- Fixed bug with rewrapping of flowed text.
- Fixed bug with matched messages changing when new mail arrives.
- Fixed bug with crash when turning on logging.
- Fixed bug with crash when closing some dialogs via window title close button.
- Fixed bug with filtering whilst editing rules.
- Fixed bug with incorrect button names for caution alerts.
- Fixed bug with decoding CR/LFs embedded in quoted-printable or base64 data.
- Fixed bug with corrupt message display after deleting a message and then showing its header.
- Fixed bug with attachment missing warning triggering off quoted text.
- Fixed bug with server state column not showing correct new message state.
- Fixed bug with failure to allow crypto passphrase to be re-entered after it fails the first time.
- Fixed bug with encrypted & signed messages that do not use multipart/signed.
- Fixed bug with messages being displayed before new mail filtering operations have completed.
- Fixed bug with performance of opening large mailboxes with some unseen messages in them.
- Fixed bug with select all menu title.
- Fixed bug with address copy/paste between address books.
- Fixed bug with failure to preserve copy to mailboxes in drafts saved to disk.
- Fixed bug with incorrect mapping of LDAP attributes.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when first running and creating a draft.
- Fixed bug with tied identities when using reply addressing dialog to create a new draft.
- Fixed bug with mailbox list display corruption when creating certain subscribed mailboxes.
- Fixed bug with failure to clear certificate errors when restarting SSL connection.
- Fixed bug with perpetual loop when failure occurs whilst opening a mailbox.
- Fixed bug with sieve script textual edit mode.
- Fixed bug with crash on quit when disconnected address book operations are pending.
- Fixed bug with crashes when changing the content of groups in an address book.
- Fixed bug with failure to consider all user ids in a PGP key when matching with From address.
- Fixed bug with cabinet Add button in disconnect dialog.
- Fixed bug with message headers not showing after decryption.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when parsing a local message with a MIME part header contains a ' ' before the ':'.
- Fixed bug with non-MIME encrypt+sign operations.
- Fixed bug with address book preview state not being remembered.
- Fixed bug with all mailbox windows being closed when logging out of one account.
- Fixed bug with help viewer not using url.handlers entry for http URLs.
- Fixed bug with copy to mailbox menu showing wrong info.
- Fixed bug with Edit/Cut in address/group not removing selected items.
- Fixed bug with missing edit items in address/group context menu.
- Fixed bug with failure to display CC/Bcc fields in drafts opened from disk.
- Fixed bug with address fields expanding when there was no change to the contents.
v3.0.3: 14-March-2003
- Fixed DIGEST-MD5 authentication with ManageSIEVE.
- Fixed bug with doubled address book list after logging out then logging in to address book server.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when accepting different SSL certificates with the same subject.
- Fixed bug with down-arrow changing horizontal scroll position.
- Fixed bug with parsing borken protocol from certain IMAP servers.
- Fixed bug with mailbox pane focus being lost when going to the next mailbox with new mail.
- Fixed bugs with refreshing address book lists.
- Fixed bug with loss of previewed address changes when logging out of address server.
- Fixed bug with failure to properly store and recover address book sorting preferences.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when connection is lost whilist creating a reply draft.
- Fixed bug with intial selection of new message not working in Match mode.
- Fixed bug with unicode and utf8 support for vCards.
- Fixed bug with failure to remove mailboxes from New Messages cabinet when there 'new' count goes to zero.
- Fixed bug with spell-as-you-type when pasting text.
- Fixed bug with spell-as-you-type hiliting when backspacing to a misspelled word.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when new mail check occurs on a set of mailboxes being closed.
- Fixed bug with spell-as-you-type crash with auto-correct words at the very end of the text.
- Fixed bug with unseen counter not being properly reset when marking all messages as seen.
- Fixed bug with incorrect charset for Euro character.
v3.0.2: 28-February-2003
- Fix to always expand single address protocol.
- Fixed bug with failed copy to mailbox if initial account is logged out.
- Fixed bug with failed macro expand key pass-through.
- Fixed bug with crash when auto-send rule executes on startup.
- Fixed bug with display hierarchy removal with open mailbox.
- Fixed bug with crash when deleting IMSP account in local prefs.
- Fixed bug with parts expand grabbing focus.
- Fixed bug with alert preferences cabinet popup value not being remembered.
- Fixed bug with duplicate remote preferences set names.
- Fixed bug with sasl authentication with ManageSIEVE.
- Fixed various spell-as-you-type bugs.
- Fixed bug with bogus status when opening a local address book.
- Fixed bug with crash when Draft button used with address book without a selection.
- Fixed bug with up/down arrow keys when multiple selection exists.
- Fixed bug with copy/move sometimes operating twice.
- Fixed bug with failure to do connection recovery when sent-mail copy is done.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when power suspend event arrives whilst quitting.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when replying/forwarding a message with wrap length set to zero.
- Fixed bug with failure to properly set SMTP server in identity when servers are locked via Admin tool.
- Fixed bug with incorrect items in address account popup in address book create dialog.
- Fixed bugs with IMAP4 servers and rules.
- Fixed bug with failure to create all directories required for user certs.
- Fixed bug with empty ACAP entry being treated as a valid address.
- Fixed bug with processing of curly quotes.
- Fixed bugs with handling of mailbox main and popup menus.
- Fixed bug with failure to focus on server pane when all mailboxes are closed.
- Fixed bug with stuck message pane scrollbar after printing.
- Fixed bug with failure to properly handle shift-page/home/end keys in text areas.
- Fixed bug with list jitter when dragging and drpping items.
- Fixed bug with inactive copy to menu items
- Fixed bug with failure to update toolbar state when selection changes and mailbox window is in the background.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when parsing specific message/rfc822 parts.
- Fixed bug with display of message/rfc822 parts in draft window parts list.
- Fixed bug with failure to enable SMTP server address when admin option allows that to be edited when other server addresses are locked out.
v3.0.1: 29-January-2003
- Major revisions to UI in all windows.
- Each window has a proper toolbar UI with configurable display options.
- Now has a 3-pane mode option as well as single pane mode, which can be switched on the fly.
- Tabbed mailbox pane in 3-pane window to allow multiple mailboxes to be quickly viewed in 3-pane mode. Context-menu on tab allows it to be moved around or closed, shift-click closes it. Tab state is remembered when quitting and restarting.
- Comprehensive options to allow control over what user actions trigger a preview or ‘full’ view.
- Mailbox and address book windows have preview panes.
- Redesigned address book window with single address list sorting and column changing.
- Text macro facility with configurable keystroke for quick insert of commonly used text.
- Now has support for processing and requesting read receipts.
- Added automatic and manual address capture capability.
- Added external editor capability to Draft window.
- Added support for ManageSIEVE protocol for uploading SIEVE scripts.
- Added spell-as-you-type capability to draft window.
- New Help menu items for support.
- Tooltips on server and mailbox list items.
- Added Reject command for sending DSN failures back to message originator.
- IMAP append now preserves the date received value of the message being appended.
- Added Print and Save rule actions for filtering.
- New option to suppress display of recent mailbox state unless mailbox also has unseen messages.
- Added text size zoom up/down buttons to message view.
- Added option to allow displayed dates to be adjusted to the local timezone.
- Added option to message pane to allow nested quotes above a certain depth to be hidden.
- Subject format for forwarded messages can now be set via preferences.
- Added new alert to allow user to choose whether local mailbox reparse is done when Mulberry detects modtime changes on the local files.
- Added vCard address book import/export plugin. Can read vCard v2.1/v3.0 formatted data, will always write vCard v3.0 formatted data.
- Address book create dialog now has account popup for use when no address book is initially selected.
- Protocol logs are now stored in a Logs directory and can optionally be stored in the User Documents directory as opposed to the Application directory.
- Added new keyboard shortcut for Bounce command.
- Added Update Current Match command to allow quick refresh of matched messages.
- Copy to choose dialog when sending a draft now /includes an option to save the chosen mailbox as the default for that future use.
- Shift-spacebar can be used to move to previous message.
- New preferences to control the direction of message processing independent of sort order.
- New Search date match for 'within' and 'not within'.
- Support for SMTP SIZE extension to avoid sending messages the server will reject.
- New preferences to have draft CC & Bcc address fields visible by default.
- New identity option to automatically choose the identity based on addresses in a message being responded to.
- New option to pause network activity while computer is asleep and to recover connections or switch into disconnected mode when computer wakes.
- Added limited support for utf-8 decode in header fields and text bodies.
- Added smart URL paste option that will automatically add <...> delimiters around any text pasted into a draft that is recognised as being only a URL.
- Added additional attachment classification icons to mailbox pane.
- Fixed bug with tab in draft subject going into hidden parts field.
- Fixed bug with selecting addresses in address book by typing.
- Fixed bug with failure to select addresses using nick-names when typing.
- Fixed bug with failure to properly expand address text which contains spaces.
- Fixed bug where startup would fail if MDI socket left behind after previous crash.
- Fixed bug with bugus IMAP search commands being used when non-default sorting/threading in use.
- Fixed bug with mailbox browse dialog having active OK button when no selection is present.
- Fixed bug with failure to launch multipart/applefile attachments.
- Fixed bug with address list key-type selection going past an exact match.
- Fixed bug with spell check using entire text when a selection is present.
- Fixed bug with copy to popup in draft missing None item.
- Fixed bug with failure to warn about message size when doing a crypto operation.
- Fixed bug with crashes when sending a message with no text.
- Fixed bug with font size choice in font size popups.
- Fixed bug with active SMTP enable button in disconnected mode.
- Fixed bug with Search Set popup in search window.
- Fixed bug with incorrect content transfer encoding header on encrypted parts.
- Fixed bug with ACL Apply to all on logged out mailbox.
- Fixed bug with crashes when message window closes itself.
- Fixed bug with crash when deleting an open mailbox.
- Fixed bug in which new mail checks whilst application is in the background would stop after the first one detects new mail.
- Fixed so that mailboxes on broken IMAP servers that do not allow SEARCH can be opened.
- Fixed bug with mailbox ACLs when switching to a mailbox that does not have an active ACL set.
- Fixed bug with Apply Rule action reseting mailbox selection to the wrong set of messages after some are removed.
- Fixed bug causing an ocasional crash when quitting and new mail is detected while shutting down.
- Fixed bug with failure to have Copy to default to Choose for new users.
- Fixed bug with illegal syntax in IMAP date searches.
- Fixed bug with date control in search criteria not conforming to locale ordering of day and month.
- Fixed bug with search/rules dialog window resizing.
- Fixed bug with forward rule causing a crash if message parts are visible.
- Fixed bug in which To/CC/Bcc addresses in an identity could be lost for certain types of drafts.
- Fixed bug where forces mailbox close could cause a freeze.
- Fixed bugs with recovery from connection failures, including network configuration changes.
- Fixed bug with duplicate addresses appearing when editing local address book contents.
- Fixed bug when disconnecting with an open mailbox in an account not enabled for disconnected support.
- Fixed bug with address book synchronisation.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when viewing an empty message.
- Fixed bug with failure to properly update seen count on some open mailboxes.
- Fixed bug with address search address edit dialog not allowing selections.
- Fixed bug with disconnect/connect operation taking place on logged out accounts.
- Fixed bugs with connection loss in check mail thread.
- Fixed bug with use of recipient/correspondent is me search criteria causing crash when writing preferences.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when sending and connection loss occurs on copy to operation.
- Fixed bug with multithreaded X-windows behaviour.
- Fixed bug with allowing user to enter whitespace before or after nick-names.
- Fixed bug with failure to properly refresh triggers list when new trigger is added.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when a large number of messages are used with Make Rules command.
- Fixed bug with error alerts accumulating on POP3 check failures.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when SMTP queue window display with no active queues.
- Fixed bug with POP3 server check triggering when appending to POP3 INBOX.
- Fixed bug with LDAP expansion being attempted when disconnected.
- Fixed bug with reverse sorted local mailbox selection preservation when new mail arrives.
- Fixed bug with LDAP expansion using empty attributes.
- Fixed bug with failure to save/restore account expansion state in address book manager pane.
- Fixed bug with quoting of headers when forwarding.
- Fixed bug with failure to properly refresh address book column when the column type was changed.
- Fixed bug causing an occasional crash when using certain message sorting criteria.
- Fixed bug with behaviour of draft save dialog.
- Fixed bug with rules window splitter and button focus.
- Fixed bug with incorrect SIEVE script syntax for multiple addresses.
- Fixed bug with active Page Setup and Print commands in address book pane.
- Fixed bug with LDIF import.
- Fixed bug with failure to delete some rules from triggers.
- Fixed bug with search set popup sometimes not working.
- Fixed bug with failure to refresh address book manager window when opened.
- Fixed bug with crash when refreshing an address account in the address book manager pane.
- Fixed bug with inactive Delete item in draft window parts table context menu.
v2.2.1: 07-May-2002
- Fixed bug with forward caption preferences not including cc by default.
- Fixed bug with binhex/uu encoding causing freezes on send.
- Fixed bug with hidden files appearing in local mailbox lists.
- Fixed bug with occasional corrupt local copies of attachments.
- Fixed bug with failure to update mailbox status when it is copied to.
- Fixed bug with handling broken Applefile attachments.
- Fixed bug causing occasional crashes when message window is open while connection loss occurs.
- Fixed bug parsing compose file to get multi-key combinations for accented character typing.
v2.2: 22-April-2002
- Major revisions to connection failure handling for more robustness.
- Now supports address expansion using LDAP - controlled via new LDAP Options panel in Account preferences.
- HTML background colour now supported.
- Now displays IMG ALT tags in place of an image if they exist.
- Multi-mailbox searching redesigned for performance improvement.
- New From/To mailbox column icon next to name to indicate message only CC'd to current user.
- New busy-cancel dialog that appears after five seconds whilst waiting for a network read/write operation or a background thread.
- Server window title now shows connected/disconnected state.
- Fixed bug with INBOX somtimes appearing as a directory and not a mailbox.
- Fixed bug with failure to append domain name to hostname when domain not present in hostname.
- Fixed bug with thread deadlocks not timing out in a sensible fashion.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when doing 'current' thread sorting and attempting to scroll to bottom of window.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when logging out of a server with an open mailbox and expunge on close.
- Fixed bug with failure to launch application after extracting an attachment.
- Fixed bug thread information loss after replying/forwarding when using thread sorting.
- Fixed bug with Euro symbol in HTML.
- Fixed bug causing loss of local mailbox flag information after a crash.
- Fixed bug casuing a crash when attempting to send a draft which contains a message/rfc822 with no subparts.
- Fixed bug causing failure to open an IMAP mailbox when MIME content parameters are corrupt.
- Fixed bug with match state being corrupted after a serach when the mailbox is closed.
- Fixed bug with Euro character in message headers.
- Fixed bug with server mismatch error with SSL certs where server address is numeric IP.
- Fixed bug with failure to properly register passphrase dialog cancel when PGP signing drafts.
- Fixed bug with new mail alert causing crash when it appears.
- Fixed bug with SMTP queue window closing when a second queue is chosen.
- Fixed bug with failure to redraw queue window as message is sent.
- Fixed bug with failure to encode/decode utf8 with LDAP.
- Fixed bug with expunge on close with a local mailbox causing loss of flags.
- Fixed bug with search not opening mailbox with found items.
- Fixed bug with crash on quit when connection failure occurs whilst quitting.
- Fixed bug with incorrect fqdn in local hostname.
- Fixed bug with HTML named colours.
- Fixed bug with URLs being activated when modifier keys are down whilst clicking.
- Fixed bug with certain syntax in AHREF tags in HTML.
- Fixed bug with decoding BinHex data with extra base64 encoding applied to it.
- Fixed bug with overriding of duplicate mailcap file entries so that the first entry is the one used.
- Fixed bug with stuffing From lines in local mailboxes.
- Fixed bug with disconnected playback whilst a local mailbox is open.
- Fixed bug with untagged responses from certain IMAP servers.
- Fixed bug with emtpy SEARCH spec error when opening a mailbox.
- Fixed bug with viewing different attachments with the same name.
- Fixed bug with failure to reject S/MIME messages when doing auto-verify/decrypt with PGP.
- Fixed bug with shortcuts in standard file/print dialogs that trigger even without alt/mete key.
- Fixed bug with superfluous alert appearing after cancelling a spell check.
- Fixed bug with failure to return LDAP results after sizelimit or timelimit non-fatal error.
- Fixed bug with allowing certain illegal address formats to be used with drafts.
- Fixed bug with failure to use binary as opposed to text mode for certain digital signature operations.
- Fixed bug with expanding an empty email address into all addresses.
- Fixed bug with subscribed in create dialog when only subscribed hierarchy is present.
- Fixed bug with Paste Indented using wrong clipboard.
- Fixed bug with client-side threading when message-ids contain rfc2822 quote artifacts.
- Fixed bugs with enabling of Reset All/Refresh display hierarchy items.
- Fixed bug with message body reads on IMAP4/IMAP2bis servers.
- Fixed bug with EHLO fqdn on multi-homed systems.
- Fixed bug with addresses/groups with NIL in their names.
- Fixed bug with improper quoted-printable characters not being ignored.
- Fixed bug with crash in POPPASSD dialog.
- Fixed bug with remapping of suffix for file names tarting with '.'.
- Fixed bug with forward rule action failing to properly attach original message.
- Fixed bug with generation of illegal charset header in rare cases.
- Fixed bug with crashes in rules/targets dialog when resized.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when preferences are changed with rules window open.
- Fixed bug with rules dialog titles and control names.
- Fixed bug with text import not handling arbitrary line ends.
v2.1.2: 07-December-2001
- Can now specify realm with DIGEST-MD5 authentication by appending @ and realm to user id.
- Tab can be used to move to the next searched mailbox with matching messages in the search window mailbox list.
- Added Add to Draft popup to the address book/search addressing dialog which allows addresses t be added to an
- existing draft.
- Now does MIME 1522 decoding of name/filename parameters, and description in MIME headers.
- Address search window automatically activates a single LDAP server for searching when LDAP search is chosen.
- Fixed bug with failure to convert line ends in text parts with binary encoding.
- Fixed bug with locked sender address including server port number.
- Fixed bug where POP3 INBOX looses flag information after crash.
- Fixed bug with parsing local mailbox that ends with a single 'F'.
- Fixed bug with certain servers that return a mailbox name when doing a hierarchy delimiter lookup.
- Fixed with with failure to correctly parse HTML entities specified as hex numbers.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when selecting certain items in a specific order in the match popup.
- Fixed bug with mailbox window loosing sync when its the target of a copy/move rule action.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when sending styled text.
- Fixed bug when parsing empty HTML tags.
- Fixed bug with failure to tolerate certain bad rfc822 date formats.
- Fixed bug preventing accented characters from being typed on certain systems.
- Fixed bug with selection of inappropriate text parts in multipart/alternative.
- Fixed bug with incorrect 'Version: 1' text when using PGP/MIME.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when deleting all multiple parts from a draft.
- Fixed bug with local mailbox parsing when a message contains a bogus empty last MIME part.
- Fixed bug causing occasional crash when expunging a mailbox in using thread sorting.
- Fixed bug with parsing mailcap file.
- Fixed bug causing occasional crash when an open message window's message is expunged with thread sorting active.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when ']' used as a quotation character for highlighting.
v2.1.1: 12-October-2001
- Quotations in reply/forward drafts now always appear in date received order.
- Added Admin kiosk option to disable rules.
- Can now fully accept invalid SSL certs after extra warning.
- Added new option for STARTTLS command to allow differentiation between SSLv23 and TLSv1 client hello methods.
- Added Admin kiosk option to disable the use of local attachments in drafts.
- Fixed bug causing empty i18n MIME headers.
- Fixed bug with message header line folding occasionaly generating an empty line.
- Fixed bug with crash when attempting to delete POP3 INBOX.
- Fixed bug with failure to allow sync operations with mailboxes contain certain characters.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when local mailbox directory is not accessible.
- Fixed bug with local directories being created without any permissions set.
- Fixed bug with activation of subscribe checkbox in mailbox create dialog.
- Fixed bug with silent failure of open mailbox command when error occurs.
- Fixed bug with forward options dialog not picking up preferences defaults.
- Fixed bug with certs being written to certs file multiple times.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when printing a draft.
- Fixed bug with use of -u command line switch on Solaris.
- Fixed bug with auto-sizing of search/rules/preferences windows/dialogs.
- Fixed bug with failure to allow use of mailboxes on read-only volumes.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when cache all is cancelled.
- Fixed bug with GSSAPI not working with IMSP.
- Fixed bug with choose being used when no copy to selected in Simple prefs panel.
- Fixed bug with inability to turn off POP3 INBOX checking.
- Fixed bug with failure to trigger filters when trigger set to Always.
- Fixed bug with rules preferences always being written to IMSP even when unchanged.
- Fixed bug with GSSAPI not recovering user id used to get Kerberos tgt.
- Fixed bug with failure to remember parts split position in message/draft windows.
v2.1: 28-August-2001
- Added support for rules: local filters and SIEVE scripts.
- Added NAMESPACE dialog to do initial hierarchy configuration.
- Added Reset All display hierarchy command to bring up new NAMESPACE dialog after initial setup.
- Added support for IMAP SORT extension.
- Added support for IMAP THREAD extension.
- Thread sorting now uses References, In-Reply-To and Message-ID headers.
- Thread column text in mailbox window is indented the appropriate amount when Thread sorting is applied.
- Attachments can now be 'viewed' as opposed to just saved todisk. This will save viewed attachments to disk in the tempdirectory, and these will be deleted when Mulberry quits.
- Added new BCC caption option (on by default) that sends a separate message with a textual warning at the top to any bcc recipients. The warning text can be configured via the prefs.
- Search window criteria are now inside a scrolling view to allow many criteria without the search window growing too big.
- Search criteria can now be moved up/down with respect to others.
- Preference panel re-organisation with some new sub-panels introduced.
- Changes to the signature text in a draft window will now prevent the signature from being automatically replaced when the identity is changed.
- Now generates a References header when replying.
- Added new options and a dialog to allow choice of how a message is forwarded, using a quote, an attachment ot both.
- Forward options now allow forwarding of the complete original message headers.
- Added new option to message window formatting popup to view the entire 'raw' contents of a message in the message window, which can be saved or printed in that form.
- Added Mailbox/Directory choice buttons to Create Mailbox dialog.
- Added new options and a dialog to allow saving of drafts to either a file or a mailbox when the File menu Save/Save As commands are used.
- When encrypting, the 'encrypt-to-self' key is now the default signing key.
- Clicking on an already sorted column title reverses the sort order.
- Smart reply quoting based on the selection in the original message can now be turned off view a new preference.
- URL's are not highlighted or clickable if any modifier key is down, allowing URLs to be selected without being triggered.
- Address Import/Export items are now always active but generate an error message when an address book is not on top.
- Added another forward option to allow messages to be sent as message/rfc822 (default) or as normal parts
- Recognised URL text in outgoing HTML now has <A HREF ..>...</A> tags automatically applied.
- Merged server properties dialog into mailbox properties.
- Changed Original button in Draft window to Spelling.
- Added quoting options to the reply addressing dialog.
- Added an option to control the auto-expansion of address fields in the message window header.
- Date search/rules criteria now allow is/is not for relative dates.
- Can now specify the directory for the local SMTP queue files via editing the first SMTP account in the preferences.
- Added basic default emacs key bindings to text fields.
- Network related errors now include additional context information (e.g. account name) when displayed to the user.
- Added shortcut for Include Original menu item.
- Certain HTML unicode entities (e.g. curly quotes) are now mapped to ascii equivalents.
- SSL plugin updated to latest openssl release.
- Now selects the password field when a login fails.
- Added support for PRINTCMD environment variable which determines the default command to use for printing.
- Shift-tab now moves to the previous unseen message in a mailbox window.
- Password dialog now shows the account name as well as the server address.
- Fixed bug with nested IMAP LIST calls when logging in.
- Fixed bug with signature duplication when using Send Again.
- Fixed bug woith quotation colours not being read/written to the preferences properly.
- Fixed bug with failure to match first header when doing message header search in a local mailbox.
- Fixed bug with failure to authenticate with newer versions of the UW IMAP server.
- Fixed bug with disconnected playback of COPY operations when the IMAP server does not support UIDPLUS.
- Fixed bug with message rollover not auto-expanding/collapsing parts table.
- Fixed bugs with improper handling of <xml> and <!--...--> HTML tags.
- Fixed local mailbox reconstruct to better cope with date mismatches between mailbox, cache and index files.
- Fixed bug causing long delays when parsing text/enriched with lots or relative font size changes.
- Fixed bug with new messages appearing at the bottom of the list when reverse sorted.
- Fixed bug with Open button remaining inactive in the Open Mailbox dialog.
- Fixed bug with creation of duplicate local address books.
- Fixed bug with reverse sorting when moving to the next mailbox with unseen messages.
- Fixed bug with format=flowed being used for Content-Disposition: attachment.
- Fixed bug with failure to parse QUOTAROOT response when quota root name is empty.
- Fixed bug with active subscribe checkbox in Create Mailbox dialog when a POP3 or local account is being used.
- Fixed bug with wrapping while quoting text when forwarding.
- Fixed bug with crashes related to recovering local mailbox cache information.
- Fixed bug with loss of mailbox expansion state after renaming a mailbox.
- Fixed bug with quoted-printable encoding and interaction with format=flowed.
- Fixed bug with Send Again including the pgp signature part from the original.
- Fixed bug with occasional failure to mark messages as seen when opened.
- Fixed bug with parsing of local mailbox containing messages with broken MIME structure.
- Fixed bug with failure to do proper thread locking when searching mailboxes.
- Fixed bugs with failure to do proper thread locking during POP3 checks.
- Fixed bug with local parsing of zero length message bodies.
- Fixed bug with failure to use proper message size recipient count value when usign admin locks.
- Fixed bug with failure to connect to poppassd server when changing passwords.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when closing the About/About Plugins dialogs via the title bar.
- Fixed bug with reversed behaviour of attachment download radio buttons in prefs panel.
- Fixed bugs with re-opening saved drafts that contain alternative, signed or encrypted data.
- Fixed bug with SMTP receive line buffer being too small.
- Fixed bug with focussing on edit fields when draft window defaults to opening with a collpased header.
- Fixed various bugs related to split window resizing (message, draft, address book).
- Fixed bug causing a crash when doing an 'Update then Disconnect' with an open mailbox window.
- Fixed bug with spell checker being active in a draft with no editable part.
- Fixed bug with incorrect status line details when downloading attachments.
- Fixed bug with failure to transfer user id into an SMTP account whenusing the admin tool kit configuration process.
- Fixed bug with smart signature replacement.
- Fixed bug with AUTH=ANONYMOUS logins.
- Fixed bug with crashes caused when splitter resizes.
- Fixed bug with ANONYMOUS login to certain types of server.
- Fixed bug with ']' cancelling certain dialogs.
- Fixed bug occasionally causing a crash when switching between mailboxes in the same mailbox window.
- Fixed bug with tabs not working when num/caps/scroll locks are on.
- Fixed bug with creating new identities in a draft window.
- Fixed bug with meaningless numerical errors fro SSL operations.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when a message window is deleted in a particular way
- Fixed bug causing reconstruct of local mailbox when a local append operation fails.
- Fixed bug with base64 encoding when base64 data is of a particular length.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when switching between mailboxes in thr same window.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when parsing broken IMAP message structure data.
- Fixed bug with failure to resolve/expand addresses when Send button is clicked while address field is still active.
- Fixed bug with failure to reset cached data when a mailbox connection is recovered.
- Fixed bug with failure to properly disconnect when a login fails.
- Fixed bug with local rfc822 parsing causing body part lengths to appear shorter than they are.
- Fixed bug with 'Is not Me' address search option not being properly restored when written and read from preferences.
- Fixed bug with sig-dashes in quoted-printable messages.
- Fixed bugs with reverse sorted mailboxes and selection, initial positioning behaviour.
- Fixed bugs with failure to properly recover from failed POP3 retrieve operations.
- Fixed bug with decoding of unknown charsets in MIME-encoded headers.
- Fixed bug with double-click not working in search window mailbox list.
- Fixed bug with failure to decode format=flowed if Content-Disposition header was not inline.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when decoding certain UU data.
- Fixed bug with incorrect alert when using default download directory to save attachments.
v2.0.8: 15-March-2001
- Fixed bug with incorrect multi-user login user id being transferred to the email address when certain admin options are configured.
v2.0.7: 12-March-2001
- Added support for spell checking using ISpell.
- Only a single instance of Mulberry (per-user) will now be launched, allowing mailto URLs to create drafts in an existing running copy of Mulberry without creating a whole new process.
- Added basic online help that /includes the current FAQ page from out website.
- Added support for AdminTool configuration.
- Status window now uses the Mulberry application icon when collapsed.
- Fixed bug with draft address parsing when parenthesis are in the phrase.
- Fixed bug with failure to expand when nick-name expansion is requested.
- Fixed bug with forward quotation adding an unwanted space when no quote character is set.
- Fixed bug with case-sensitive smart address testing of the default identity.
- Fixed bug with Open Addressbook command/button activation.
- Fixed bug with wildcard cabinet items in the copy to cabinet causing menu lock-up in disconnected mode.
- Fixed bug with SMTP queue window attempting to open when its locked out.
- Fixed bug causing a crash when parsing empty tags in styled text.
- Fixed bug with dealing with disconnected playback when certain operations are missing from the playback log.
- Fixed bug with parsing URLs that use the new IPv6 URL scheme for specifying a server address.
- Fixed bug in which a fake drag and drop operation would be triggered in the server window when collapsing a hierarchy while scrolled to the end of the list.
- Fixed bug with plugin registration failing when plugins are in a read-only directory.
- Fixed bug with Open Mailbox menu command not being triggered in all windows.
- Fixed bug causing a crash on startup when a previously configured open on startup local address book no longer exists.
- Fixed bugs related to improper parsing of the last line of the URL, MIME mapping files.
- Fixed bug causing a crash on SPARC when an explicit MIME mapping is setup in the preferences.
- Fixed bug in which single server/display hierarchy Copy To menu was not working.
v2.0.6: 2-February-2001